The Government Pensions Administration Agency (GPAA) is a government component that reports to the Minister of Finance and administers funds and schemes on behalf of the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF), the largest pension fund in Africa. It thus administers the pension affairs of approximately 1,7 million government employees and pensioners, as well as the affairs of their spouses and dependants.

Strategic Overview

The GPAA’s strategy for 2015-2019 addresses noted bottlenecks by aligning to the requirements of customers and clients. The intended outcomes are to be efficient, effective and economical and treat people with care. This is at the heart of what the GPAA does.

To ensure that the entire organisation embraces the way forward, a succinct message in symbol form was formulated and is demonstrated in the diagram below. The five “rights” are positioned to focus the organisation on its core business:

GPAA's goals and objectives 2015
  1. To pay the right amount as per legal entitlement, as prescribed by legislation and rules.
  2. To pay the right person who is the lawful member or beneficiary.
  3. To pay benefits at the right time as per legislation.
  4. To employ the right people that are competent, performance driven and caring
  5. To administer funds at the right cost - an economically acceptable cost of administration per member.

Our vision

A client - base that is satisfied, served, valued, dignified, cared for and empowered.

Our mission

To provide administration services to the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) and National Treasury Programme 7 funds and schemes.

Core Values

The GPAA’s core values are:

Value Description
Transparency We undertake to be open and accountable in our engagements with all of our stakeholders.
Respect We are committed to treating everyone with dignity, equality and trust.
Integrity We act fairly, ethically and openly in all we do.
Courtesy We treat our stakeholders and clients with consideration, compassion and kindness.
Service excellence We commit to giving our clients quality service.
Passion We serve our clients with passion and understanding.

The vision will be realised by the following factors as depicted in the diagram below:


What lies in the future for the GPAA?

The GPAA’s vision is to be the leading and preferred fund benefits administrator. To ground this vision into reality, in 2011 the organisation embarked on a transformational journey called the Modernisation Programme. The programme is intended to elevate the organisation’s operational effectiveness and efficiency, stakeholder management and governance. It is the vehicle that is being used to execute the organisation’s transformation roadmap. It is envisaged that this process will transform the GPAA into a service-oriented entity in line with the expectations of its internal and external stakeholders.

Notable achievements under modernisation to date are the implementation of eChannel, Mobile Offices and the Retirement Member Campaign.


The automation of the employer interface has been achieved with the eChannel functionality. The average turnaround time for cases submitted via eChannel is 16,5 days, compared to that of 65 days for manual cases.

Mobile Offices

The Mobile Offices outreach project has improved accessibility to rural communities.

Retirement Member Campaign (RMC)

The roll-out of the RMC has increased the proportion of timeous and accurate submissions of retirement exits. The “too early to pay” reporting category was introduced to accommodate retirement forms that are sent prior to the member’s exit date.